A consensus mechanism that employs both Proof of Stake and Proof of Work algorithms.
The process of intermittently decreasing the block reward given to cryptocurrency miners by 50%.
Someone who does not sell, but holds on to his coins. "HODL" was originally a typo but it gained the status of a funny backronym: “Hold on for dear life”.
The act of protecting an asset from risk. A hedge can protect against losses or even offset against gains.
Hashgraph is a consensus alternative to blockchain. It uses a gossip protocol to spread transactions across the network by sending data to randomly chosen neighbors.
The power of a mining rig. Similar in concept to the Horse Power of a vehicle.
A physical device that stores private keys.
Output emitted from an algorithm for maintaining consensus on a blockchain.
The maximum amount of money a cryptocurrency’s founders will accept while raising money in exchange for early coins on their platform.
The number of hashes a miner performs over a given period of time.
First made popular in a post by a drunken Bitcoiner who advocated buying but not selling Bitcoin, it is now a meme to intentionally misspell “hold.” Hodlers see huge potential in the future of a cryptocurrency and don’t plan on selling anytime soon.
An online wallet for storying cryptocurrencies. Considered less secure than cold wallets.
A programming language used to develop several cryptocurrencies (including Cardano and Nanocoin).